Yoga Asanas to Instant Energy

The crazy and hectic lives we all lead today drain all our energy and leave us tired and lifeless. Even after waking up in the morning, we feel lethargic, leading to mental and physical exhaustion. Many turn to tea, coffee, …

What Are The Benefits Of Ayurveda?

The age-old practice of Ayurveda originated in the Vedic culture of India and is renowned as the oldest science of healing. Considered as the sister philosophy of yoga, Ayurveda is designed in a way to diagnose and treat problems with …

How Yoga and Fitness Sessions Improved My Life

Yoga and Fitness Can Improve Living Quality

Want to know the most life-changing decision you can make in your life this very moment? It’s starting to keep track your fitness if you haven’t already begun. There are so many wonderful activities …

Yogic Management of Anger

Among a wide range of human emotions, anger is probably the most undesirable one. Even though anger is natural but at times it may be irrational. On the one hand, anger allows you to pay attention to a problem that …

9 Yoga Poses to boost fertility in females

Knowing being unable to become a mother is heartbreaking. Nothing could be more devastating for a woman willing to have children. But unfortunately, the number of such females have been increasing drastically in the last few years. Seeking the cure, …

International Day of Yoga: The Union of World

The whole world starts preparing weeks and months ago to celebrate International Day of yoga. The enthusiasm of yoga practitioners is at its peak on this day. Around 180 countries indulge in yoga practice on International Day of yoga.  People …