5 Yoga Poses to Prevent and Cure Thyroid Disorders


Thyroid gland or simply thyroid is a hormonal gland located in the neck. It is a part of the endocrine system and plays a significant role in metabolism, growth and maturation of human body. Thyroid gland absorbs iodine from our diet and then uses it to release certain hormones into the bloodstream. Breathing, heart rate, internal body temperature, cholesterol levels and body weight is among many things that are controlled by thyroid.

A huge number of people nowadays are suffering from thyroid disorders. The main reason behind thyroid dysfunction is either an autoimmune disease or nutrient deficiency caused due to poor diet. Nutrients such as iodine, zinc and selenium play a significant role in thyroid hormone secretion. In autoimmune disease, the body itself attacks thyroid gland due to which its capability to function properly diminishes with time.

5 Yoga Poses to prevent and cure Thyroid disorders

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Two most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Out of these two, the majority of people suffer from hypothyroidism. In this condition, the thyroid gland produces less hormones than it should. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are depression, brittle skin and hair, fatigue and tiredness, drastic weight gain, heavy and frequent periods in female, pain in joints and muscles, sleeplessness etc.

In hyperthyroidism which is quite rarely found as compared to hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland begins to produce more hormones than what body requires. The effects of this condition on the human body are moodiness or irritability, anxiety, nervousness, drastic weight loss, rapid heart rate, heat intolerance, problem in concentrating, fatigue etc. Both of this conditions impact the quality of life and restrains the person from giving his/her best in anything.

In this article we are going share 5 proven yoga poses that can potentially cure any kind of thyroid disorder. These poses ensure to maintain a good health of thyroid gland and prevents any impending threat to its functioning. If you suffer from thyroid, first consult with your doctor or physician before you start this yoga regime.  

Kandharasana (Bridge Pose)

third and final step of Setubandhasana or Bridge pose

Thyroid organ gets massaged when you lift your body in bridge pose. Distribute your body weight evenly on your legs and shoulders in Kandharasana. Benefit many other parts and organs of your body apart from thyroid disorder by practicing this pose. Practice for 5 minutes to see the effects.

Read in details about the steps and benefits of Kandharasana.

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Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Bending back in Ustrasana gives an intense stretch to the neck muscles. Practicing Ustrasana regulates the functioning of thyroid gland. If you have a stiff neck, don’t overstretch it. Drop the head back as much as you can comfortably. With regular practice, you will gain flexibility. Aim to practice it for 5 minutes.

All three steps of Camel pose or Ustrasana

Know about the steps and benefits of Camel Pose here.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Practice the simple version of Fish Pose with the legs stretched out in front. Matsyasana is a great way to regulate the functioning of Thyroid gland. Stretch your body upwards in this pose rather than putting all the weight on your head and experience the wonders it does to your body. Practice for 3 minutes, gradually adding extra seconds each week.

All two steps of matyasana or fish pose

Read the detailed article on Fish Pose to know more about it.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

A yoga posture for the well being of all the systems of human body such as respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine and nervous system. The chin lock in Sarvangasana is highly beneficial for Thyroid gland, improving its functioning and curing any kind of disorder related to it. Keeping adding more time to hold the posture gradually increasing to 5 minutes.

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

Know about the steps and benefits of Shoulder Stand here.

Halasana (Plough Pose)
third and final step of Plough pose or Halasana

Go directly into Plough Pose after practicing Sarvangasana. The chin lock is intensified in Plough Pose increasing the effects on thyroid gland. Beginners will find it hard to retain this pose, start the practice with only 3 seconds initially. Let your body take the time to get comfortable in this pose. People suffering from thyroid disorder may practice it for 5 minutes.

Read in details about the steps and benefits of Plough Pose.

Can yoga help with thyroid problems?

Yoga is one of the effective ways to cure thyroid problems. It won’t have visible effects instantly but gradually helps cure the condition from the roots. It increases metabolism and keeps the glands healthy to prevent any further crises

What is the main cause of thyroid problems?

The thyroid is an autoimmune disorder. This disorder occurs due to internal clashes of the tissues. It may also begin because of iodine deficiency in the body.

Can the thyroid be cured permanently?

Yes, the thyroid can be cured with the help of surgery. The thyroid can also be cured with proper medication. Even if the thyroid gets cured, patients need to continue medication life-long.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

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