Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) Steps, Precautions and Benefits


Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) is both relaxation and meditation yoga asana having calming effects on mind and body. It is an excellent pose for yoga beginners as it is quite easy as compared to other meditative poses.

The Sanskrit name Vajrasana is derived from two words. Vajra meaning thunderbolt or diamond and Asana meaning posture. According to Hindu mythology, Vajra is the name of Lord Indira’s (God of Heaven) weapon which was as hard as a diamond. For this reason it is also known as Diamond Pose.

One of the major nerves in the human body is also named Vajra Nadi (Nadi means nerve). Vajra nadi is connected with genitourinary system which is responsible for regulating sexual energy in human body. Hence practicing this yoga pose for extended duration of time may make a person control his/her sexual energy for spiritual aims.

How long should we sit in Vajrasana?

In case you’re a fresher, proceed with 3-4 minutes of Vajrasana. Then, you can extend the time to 5-7 minutes as you continue.

When should we sit in Vajrasana?

After 4-5 hours of eating lunch or dinner, you can practice Vajrasana posture. You can also do this position on an empty belly because it helps with indigestion.

How to make the Vajrasana pose more comfortable

To do Vajrasana comfortably, locate a yoga object horizontally among your feet. By bearing some of your own mass.

You will be surprised to know that you can practice this yoga pose right after having your meal.Yes! This is the only yoga pose that you can practice right after lunch or dinner. It actually makes the digestion process faster. It is also quite helpful in getting rid of constipation or any other stomach related problems.

Steps to practice Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

  1. Kneel on your yoga mat keeping the knees close together.
  2. Big toes must be touching each other while heel remains separate.
  3. Lower the body placing your buttocks in the space between both of your feet.
  4. Heels must be touching the sides of your hips.
  5. Place the palm of your hands on the thighs (or knees).
  6. Keep the spine and head straight and relaxed.
  7. Be careful about your spine arching backward excessively.
  8. Close your eyes and relax the whole body while breathing normally.
  9. Be aware of each and every breath moving in and out of the body.

Stay in the pose for at least a minute. Vajrasana is most beneficial when followed by some breathing exercises. 

Variations of Thunderbolt Pose

1. Extended Legs for Reduced Knee Stress

To hinge your legs and relax on your knees in this variance of Vajrasana, you must have some leg adaptability. If you can’t be in this state, try Staff pose by elongating your legs ahead of you. This will lessen the stress on your limbs and hamstrings.

2. Varying Sitting Positions for Beginners

Seated postures boost elasticity by extending the thighs, leg muscles, quadriceps, and calf muscles and the back and muscles surrounding the pelvis. In addition, elevating your hips can often enable your spine to achieve a more stable synchronization.

3. Different Arm Positions for Greater Challenge

When it is time to make it simpler, bolstering the arm muscle fibers can go far. Your arm muscles also endorse your forearms and elbows. Stronger arms prevent the elevated tension and load that routine tasks lay on the joints.

4. Bending the Back for a Deeper Stretch

Shoulder pain fatigue can be caused by a variety of causes, varying from bad body posture to serious health conditions. On the other hand, this span may help by alleviating pain and increasing elasticity.

Precautions for Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Avoid practicing Vajrasana if you suffer from any of this condition: recent knee injury or severe pain in knees, pain in ankles or joint pain.

Benefits of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

  • Strengthens pelvic muscles by altering the blood flow in pelvic region.
  • Improves digestion and combats constipation, indigestion and acidity.
  • Stimulates spinal nerves; corrects rounded back and drooping shoulders.
  • Regulates the functioning of reproductive organs and thyroid gland.
  • Beneficial for people suffering from sciatica.
  • Helpful in curing menstrual disorders.
  • Useful for attaining spiritual gains and peace of mind.
  • Regular practice of Vajrasana rejuvenates the whole body.
  • Relieves piles and stomach disorders such as peptic ulcer, hyper acidity.

Common Mistakes

  • Although rounding your back may feel at ease, it can cause serious neck and back pain.
  • Another common posture inaccuracy is not evenly endorsing the lean mass of your head on your neck.
  • Some parts of your body are engrossed, such as your central part, chest, and back, but your entire body should not be rigid or bulky.
  • Hold this position for at least 20-25 seconds to reap the advantages.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

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