Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose) Steps, Precautions and Benefits


Easy to guess by the name, Tiryaka Tadasana is a variant of Tadasana and hence the health benefits are quite similar with few exceptions. In Swaying Palm Tree Pose, the effect on the legs is minimized while an intense stretch is experienced on the side especially on the waist. One side of the body is contracted while the other side is stretched at the same time which balances both left and right postural muscles.

What kind of asana is tiryak Tadasana?

Tiryaka Tadasana, or Swaying Palm Tree posture, is a complex standing yoga pose along with a side stretch.

Who should not do Tadasana?

People should avoid Tadasana if they have hypertension issues, sleeplessness, nausea, or dizziness.

How many times should we do Tadasana?

You can practice this yoga posture 7-9 times daily or at your convenience.

It is an excellent pose for people spending long hours while sitting such as students and office workers. Practicing this pose has several other benefits; in order to gain them first educate yourself about the right steps to practice Swaying Palm Tree Pose. So let’s begin!

Tiryaka Tadasana = Tiryaka+Tada+Asana

Tiryaka = Swaying

Tada = Palm Tree

Asana = Posture

Steps to practice Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

Starting Position: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

All three poses of Trikonasana or Triangle pose - Triyak Tadasana

Variation 1

  1. Distance your legs shoulder-width
  2. Interlock the fingers of both of your hands with the palms facing outward direction.
  3. While inhaling, slowly raise the arms bringing them over the head. Now the palms must be facing upwards.
  4. Stretch the arms in the upward direction, they should be slightly touching the ears.
  5. While exhaling, slowly begin to lower the torso to the right side of the body as far as can comfortable.
  6. Keep the arms straight. You will feel a good stretch on the left side of your waist.
  7. Retain this position for a few seconds.
  8. To return, exhale and slowly move the torso to the upright position. Lower the hands and release the interlock.
  9. Relax the body taking long and deep breaths. Practice from opposite side.

Practice 3 times with each side alternately.


  1. Volcano Pose

The difference is that most variations have the legs hip-width away, whereas Volcano Pose has the legs close together and both arms reaching into the air. This posture expands the side muscle tissue with the intensity of outstretched forearms.

  1. Tadasana
tadasana or mountain pose - benefits of Tiryak Tadasana

Tadasana is a basic standing yoga pose variant of Tiryaka Tadasana. The main difference is the side stretch in the latter. With the legs together, the position is practiced.

  1. Chair Pose
chair pose or Utkatasana - Benefits of Tiryak Tadasana

It also has all of the advantages of the constituent basic yoga of mountain posture. In a breathing process, the forearm reaches the bottom and wraps around the body, the legs bend, and the hip bones reduce as if seated in a chair.

  1. Standing Side Bend
Standing Side Bend or Uttanasana - Benefits of Tiryak Tadasana

Standing Side Bend is the other name of Tiryaka tadasana, also known as the upward salute side bend pose. The yoga posture is carried out with the legs apart.

Precautions for Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

  • It is recommended to begin a yoga practice in the presence of a competent yoga teacher/instructor.
  • Bending must go only sideways. Ensure the torso doesn’t move in forward or backward Avoid applying force while bending as that may strain the muscles.
  • If you suffer from any of this condition, avoid practicing Swaying Palm Tree Pose: cardiac problem, hernia, back pain, slipped disc, vertigo, spinal injuries, knee problems, frequent headaches or high blood pressure.

Benefits of Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

  • Prevents osteoporosis in aged people.
  • Helpful in getting rid of constipation and gastritis.
  • A perfect asana for the beginners to develop a strong core.
  • Stretches the muscles of the back and joints of the spinal column.
  • Balances left and right postural muscles thus improving the posture.
  • Loosens, tones up and massages the sides of the waists, therefore, removing excess fat.
  • A useful posture for pregnant women as practicing it relieves a backache and muscular pain.
  • Stimulates the functioning of liver, kidney, spleen and digestive system. Removes constipation.
  • Beneficial for people suffering from bronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 


Practitioners who have suffered a sprain to their thighs, upper limbs, biceps, or surgical procedures on any body cavity or part of the body, particularly the upper arms and forearms, should avoid this pose.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

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