Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior Pose 3) steps, precautions and benefits


Warrior 3 is a balance and strength building yoga posture. It strengthens legs, develops a strong core and is adequate to be practiced by experienced yoga intermediates. Virabhadrasana 3 prepares the practitioner for advanced yoga postures. It enables one to find a strong foundation and confidence to practice strenuous standing yoga postures. The Warrior sequence aims to strengthen different body parts and helps one to test his/her own physical strength, balance and coordination. Cross the old limits and set new ones with the help of Warrior 3.

Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior Pose 3) steps, precautions and benefitsImage Source

The Sanskrit name Virabhadrasana is derived from 3 words, whose meanings are mentioned below.

Vira = Courageous or brave

Bhadra = Blessed or Fortunate

Asana = Posture

Warrior 3 Steps

Remember that it’s always best to practice under the guidance of a yoga instructor rather than by yourself.

Starting Position: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  1. Take a deep inhalation and step your legs 4 to 5 feet apart.
  2. With an exhalation turn the right foot 90 degree to the right and the left foot 45-60 degree to the right.
  3. Bend the right knee till your thigh becomes parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your shin. The knee must be aligned right over your heel, ensure it doesn’t extend beyond the heel.
  4. Exhale and bend your trunk forward till your chest rests on your thigh. Bring your arms close to join both of your palms. Keep the arms straight. Hold this position for 2 breaths.
  5. Slowly shift the weight of your body on your right leg as you lift the left leg off the floor. Simultaneously raise your left leg (keeping it straight) and straighten your right leg. The knee of the left leg must face downward. Look either straight or down.
  6. The whole body except the right leg becomes parallel to the floor in the final position of Warrior 3. Once you find balance, stretch your hands forward and your leg backward. Retain the pose from 5 to 30 seconds taking deep breaths.
  7. To come out of the pose, exhale and lower the left leg back onto the floor along with bending the right leg. Practice again from the other side.

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  1. Avoid practicing Virabhadrasana if you suffer from any of this condition: heart problems, severe neck or shoulder pain, knee pain, high blood pressure or recent chronic illness.
  2. If you suffer from spinal ailments avoid practicing warrior pose.
  3. Keep the head in neutral position if you are experiencing neck pain or had a neck injury recently.
  4. Since Virabhadrasana is an arduous pose, avoid holding it for too long as that can easily lead to strain or injury.

Warrior 3 Benefits

  1. Relieves stiffness in the neck, shoulders and back.
  2. Reduce stubborn fat from hips.
  3. Useful for people suffering from sciatica.
  4. Enhances blood circulation in the body.
  5. Tones and strengthens knees, thighs and ankles.
  6. Stimulates abdominal organs and aids digestion.
  7. Builds stamina; develops a sense of balance and coordination.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

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