Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose) meaning, steps, precautions and benefits


Purna Dhanurasana commonly known as Full Bow Pose in English is an advanced asana. The Sanskrit name Purna Dhanurasana is derived from three words, the first Purna, which means Full, the second Dhanur, which means Bow and the third Asana, which means Posture. This asana gives an intense stretch to the abdomen. In this asana, the whole body seems to be in the shape of a fully stretched bow. This asana is highly beneficial for improving the functioning of the digestive system and for getting rid of gastritis, along with it there are several other benefits of Purna Dhanurasana, but first, let’s begin by knowing the steps to practice Purna Dhanurasana.

Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose) meaning, steps, precautions and benefits

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Steps to practice Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose)

Before practicing Purna Dhanurasana ensure that you have mastered Dhanurasana.

It is very important to know the right alignment of the body in an asana to avoid any kind of injury and to attain the maximum benefits of it. Here are the steps to practice Purna Dhanurasana correctly:

  1. Lie straight on the stomach.
  2. Bend both the knees.Clasp both the feet with the hands.
  3. Inhale deeply and raise carefully the head, chest and thighs as higher as possible. Furthermore, pull the feet as close to the head as possible. Keep the elbows pointing upward.
  4. Now, the body seems to resemble a fully stretched bow. Retain the breath inside and held in the same position for as long as comfortable.
  5. Slowly exhale and release both the legs and return to the ground.
  6. Relax the whole body until the breathing and heartbeat return to normal. There ends the first round.

Practicing a single round of this asana is generally sufficient enough. It is more beneficial when practiced before or after any forward bending asana.

Also Read – Yoga Asanas that will Give you a Flat Tummy

 Precautions for Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose)

The precautions for Purna Dhanurasana to be kept in mind are given below:

  • Avoid straining and pushing the body beyond the limits as it may cause pain in the back, neck, legs, ankles, thighs, knees, hips or feet. Practice according to your own capability.
  • Avoid practicing this asana if you have weak back, weak joints or weak heart as it may increase the complications.
  • People suffering from any of this condition should avoid practicing this asana: Back pain, spinal disorders, high blood pressure, insomnia, migraine, arthritis, hernia or ulcer.

Benefits of Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Pose)

The health benefits of Purna Dhanurasana which you would experience gradually with regular practice are as follows :

  • Highly beneficial in getting rid of gastritis and epigastric pain.
  • Reconditions the entire alimentary canal.
  • Tones and massages the muscles and abdominal organs.
  • Balances the secretion of the adrenal glands.
  • Helpful in toning the body and in removing the excess body fat.
  • Improves the posture and stretches the muscles.
  • Improves the blood circulation in the body.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, arms, thighs and legs.
  • Extremely beneficial for the respiratory system and nervous system.
  • Removes fatigue, tension and anxiety and relaxes the whole body.
  • Tones the liver, kidneys and pancreas and thus, helps in improving the functioning of the digestive, excretory and reproductive organs.

Stay healthy stay strong and get the best out of life.

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